Your contribution will enable us to transform and empower 750 more dream villages.
Your support will ensure each village is Swach (Clean), Sundar(Beautiful), Swasthya( Has Access to Health Care), Sakshar(Educated), and Samruddha (Aware, Enabled and Empowered).A large section of this India lives without basic amenities like healthcare facilities and personnel, access to clean water, uninterrupted electricity, access to education, livelihood opportunities, and infrastructure.
As India completes 75 years of Independence, a large section of the country is still behind in achieving absolute freedom through self-reliance
The donor is required to fill in their Full Name, Address and PAN number to claim tax exemption, as per the Indian Income Tax Department’s directives.
Your donation will add up to the pool of donations that will help students finish secondary school
The donor is required to fill in their Full Name, Address and PAN number to claim tax exemption, as per the Indian Income Tax Department’s directives.
Your donation will add up to the pool of donations that will help students finish secondary school
We arm every individual in the rural areas with the ability to bring about holistic development within their village. We ensure every rural household has access to an individual toilet, potable drinking water through taps at home, access to healthcare services, an education that makes learning joyous, and the community has opportunities for a diverse range of livelihoods.
Donate to make this within reach of every Indian living in villages and rural areas. Make the Dream Village possible.
Every household is connected with taps at home for potable
drinking water
Every household has a toilet of their own and 100% usage.
Every child under the age of 16 is in school
Every school has a provision of drinking water and separate
toilets for boys & girls
Every household has at least two diverse sources of income
across agriculture and animal husbandry and earns at least INR 2,00,000 per annum
Youth are skilled and employable
C#ea3635it linkages available for business loans
At Least 1 Swades Mitra (community health worker) in the
village ensuring primary health care services
100% institutional delivery, improved health-seeking behavior
of the community
The village is clean and beautiful – proper roads, entry gate/
arch, street lights and the village practices proper waste management