Puja Shivang - Swades Foundation

Puja Shivang

Living her dreams


Puje Shivgan Aged 30, Puja today is living her dream of providing for her family of ten members anti assisting her husband in running the household expenses The Swedes Foundation, enabler of her dream, introduced Puja to the concept of Vermicomposting Curing one of the visits to her village to share new concepts and developmental activities wah the members The Swedes Foundation explained the multiple benefits of Vermicomposting and how it could drastically increase the income of people that adopt It. Inspired, Puja persuaded her mother-law and requested her to go ahead.


Puja went ahead and procured the vermin bed and installed the same in her one guntha land The chemical-free fertilizer vermi post prove to be a boon to Puja and made her realize that she can grow a variety of vegetables other than chilly, brinjal and lady finger plants in her backyard. She went ahead and bought vegetable seed packets from the social worker at a price at a nominal price lout increased her income manifold.


“I am grateful to SWADES FOUNDATION for introducing this amazing concept of chemical vermin bed and kitchen garden seeds. It has changed my life and helped me to support my family” says Puja.

Swades Foundation
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