Best NGOS in Mumbai, India | Best NGO for Rural Development in India - Swades Foundation
Swades Foundation is registered with the Social Stock Exchange and soon to go public with its ZCZP instrument on the National Stock Exchange

WhatsApp Image 2024 05 25 at 7.54.38 PM swades desktop 362b2c0c 5cc4 4625 a49a cb3aa991c26b Banner SF Education Banner 2 SF Water 1 Banner 3 SF ED 1 Medical EquipmentMobile Banner April Banner 4 SF Dream Village 2 1

NSE banner mobile view NSE banner mobile view swades mob swades mob 45a58cf3 59a7 48b4 b0fc 21f000ca7567 45a58cf3 59a7 48b4 b0fc 21f000ca7567 Banner SF Education mobile view Banner SF Education mobile view Banner 2 SF Water Mobile view Banner 2 SF Water Mobile view Banner 3 SF ED Mobile view Banner 3 SF ED Mobile view Banner 4 SF Dream Village Mobile view Banner 4 SF Dream Village Mobile view




Since 2013, we have reached out to 2700 hamlets/villages across Raigad and Nashik district in Maharashtra. Our holistic development model covers all aspects of individual and community development through a unique ‘4E’ strategy: engage, empower, execute and exit.

Our work is benefiting over 748,000 people today with the ultimate objective of rural empowerment.

Strong Team of 1300+

10,000+ community volunteers & 260+ full-time staff

about us new pnckhq



Slide 21,140 46,693 152,369 17,613 cataract surgeries homes provided with potable water through taps children in 1,361 schools, 806 anganwadis &
41 junior colleges impacted
entrepreneurs created in animal husbandry spectacles supported 182 cardiac surgeries for children supported 45,181 children screened and tested for anaemia teachers & principals trained 5,962 7,484 scholarships provided 31,852 household toilets built 3,672.2 acres of land brought under irrigation 7,765 youth trained and Grafted 143,955 trees and distributed 12,44,375 new plants 1,17,903 6,020 placed in formal employment
Health & Nutrition Water & Sanitation Education Economic Development Update as of 31st March 2024.

Slide 21,140 cataract surgeries spectacles supported 182 cardiac surgeries for children supported 45,181 children screened and tested for anaemia 1,17,903 Health & Nutrition Slide 152,369 children in 1,361 schools, 806 anganwadis &
41 junior colleges impacted
teachers & principals trained 5,962 6,734 scholarships provided Education
Slide 46,693 homes provided with potable water through taps 31,852 household toilets built 3,668.2 acres of land brought under irrigation Water & Sanitation Slide 17,613 entrepreneurs created in animal husbandry 13,785 youths placed in formal employment Grafted 143,955 trees and distributed 12,44,375 new plants Economic Development Update as of 31st March 2024.
Water & Sanitation
2 06 23



It’s our unshakeable belief that India will never achieve its true growth story until the rural sector of the country is empowered to make choices and transform their own lives. With this thought, we initiated SHARE (Society to Heal Aid Restore Educate) in 1983. In 2013, SHARE metamorphosed into the Swades Foundation with a mission to empower rural lives through a unique 360-degree development model which covers four key thematic areas namely Health & Nutrition, Education, Water & Sanitation and Economic Development. Our aim is to ensure that this model can be replicated at scale across India and perhaps even the world.



cutout Hrutik Kaap



Some of our beneficiaries go an extra mile to not just transform their own lives, but also inspire and empower others to achieve bigger things. We call these champions Swades Heroes.

cutout Hrutik Kaap



Some of our beneficiaries go an extra mile to not just transform their own lives, but also inspire and empower others to achieve bigger things. We call these champions Swades Heroes.



Success Stories

Sagibai maruti mahable

In every intervention, we come across inspiring stories of change which strengthens our resolve to do the best for rural empowerment. Here’s a look at some of these success stories.

Our Believers

our believers web 1 wcq83k

To empower Rural India is not an easy undertaking. But with staunch believers at every step of the way, the journey becomes very encouraging. Let’s look at some of our believers.

Media & Awards


Receiving meaningful recognition for your work is motivating. We have some to our credit and would like you to check them out. From Awards to news coverage, here’s a look at them.

Swades Foundation
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