Rutika Ghole & Ravina Rikame - Swades Foundation

Rutika Ghole & Ravina Rikame

Library Bosses


Rutika Ghole & Ravina Rikame The Swades Foundation takes pride in providing libraries in its school as we believe it is essential for a child’s holistic development. Rutika & Ravina — the Swades Stars — have fallen in love with books available in the library and have now become avid readers.


Their love for reading doesn’t end at school. They carry books from their school library back home to read to their illiterate parents in an effort to educate them and make them more knowledgeable. Rutika & Ravina have definitely set a benchmark for every other child in the community and are a perfect example of how small simple steps can go a long way in making a difference.

Swades Foundation
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