Donate for #SwadesFightsMalnutrition | Swades Foundation
Swades Foundation successfully raises ₹10 Cr on NSE, the largest ZCZP issue under SSE

Every minute matters to a child’s heart with birth defects.


In India, 1.7 million babies are born with birth defects*. The data misses accounting for a large number of children and cases that have gone undetected in the interiors of the country.

Swades Foundation works with the district of Raigad in Maharashtra to ensure children from 0-18 don’t suffer the long-term implications of these defects. When pediatric health complications are letiundetected and untreated, it leaves children to cope without 100% access to their cognitive abilities and physical capabilities. It affects their holistic development.


It robs children of a foundation for a better and flourishing life in the future.


These children dream of a regular childhood just like others. They carry this hope for a better life, free from pain and complications.

A donation from you can help save their today and protect their tomorrow. Make sure their #ChottiSiAsha is fulfilled.


It helps organize health camps, set up education and drives to ensure awareness of early diagnosis and treatment of neonates, infants and young children with congenital heart diseases.


Your donation will action comprehensive screening and surgical services in collaboration with the premier hospitals in the nearby cities, bridging the rural-urban gap.


It will also ensure counselling parents to smoothen the transition to a normal life post-surgery for the caregivers and their wards.


A delay in identification or treatment leads to severe and life-altering outcomes.

Early intervention leads to early treatment that can normalise their lives and secure their future just as the little ones desire.


Swades Foundation aims to ensure the identification and treatment of children with congenital heart diseases (CHD) in the districts of Raigad and Nashik. The goal is to undertake necessary medical/surgical interventions to reduce and eventually eliminate CHD prevalence in the next couple of years.

We make sure your donation matters.
We make sure we secure their #ChhotiSiAsha

*Unicef India, 2020

Swades Foundation
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Donate to beat malnutrition