Test - Swades Foundation
Swades Foundation is registered with the Social Stock Exchange and soon to go public with its ZCZP instrument on the National Stock Exchange


Dream Village Tree plantation initiative seeks to beautify villages and create a clean and healthy environment for the people there. This project is implemented in dream villages that are in the process of becoming 1. Swachh (Clean); 2. Sundar (Beautiful), 3. Swasth (well-being consciousness & access to health care); 4. Samrudh (Self-Reliant), and 5. Saksham (Empowered). Corporations can contribute by engaging their employees to volunteer and sponsoring the plants, including procurement costs. As volunteers, they'll work with the local community in digging pits and planting ornamental or flowering tree saplings along the roadside.

Activities involved:

  • Arrival at the designated location
  • A brief introduction to Swades' work and interaction with the community.
  • Plantation activity
  • Community Lunch
  • Departure

  • Note -The actual itinerary will vary depending on the requirements of the corporates/donors and will be sent a week in advance. The cost of the activity depending upon participants ranges from ₹25000 – ₹150000 including saplings and community lunch. The cost of conveyance is to be covered by corporates/donors.

    Swades Foundation
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