2017 Grant Cycle
For the 2017 grant cycle we had received over 320 applications and after a rigorous process of evaluation, selected 23 NGOs to receive grant from HSBC Skills for Life. They collectively will train over 11,000 youth over the next two years and place at least 70% of them in formal employment.
Deloitte is the Monitoring & Evaluation partner in this grant cycle and an orientation workshop was organized in October 2017, in Mumbai to acquaint the NGO with the reporting requirements and our expectations from the projects.
The 23 NGOs selected have trained 10,865 youth and placed nearly 6,580 in employment.
The NGOs who are selected under this grant cycle are as below (in alphabetical order).
Name of the NGO | Project Location |
Aaruthal Foundation | Tamil Nadu |
Anudip Foundation for Social Welfare | Andhra Pradesh |
Arun Institute of Rural Affairs | Odisha |
Bandhan Konnagar | West Bengal |
Centre for Youth and Social Development | Odisha |
Cheshire Homes India Bangalore Unit | Karnataka |
Deaf Enabled Foundation | Andhra Pradesh |
Development Alternatives | Madhya Pradesh |
India HIV/AIDS Alliance | Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan |
Katha | New Delhi |
KEM Hospital Research Centre | Maharashtra |
Mission Foundation Movement | Mizoram |
Noble Educational Empowerment Society | Telangana |
PanIIT Alumni Reach For India Foundation | Jharkhand |
Peace Trust | Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry |
Pragya India | Rajasthan |
Prayas JAC Society | Delhi |
Saath Charitable Trust | Gujarat |
Saarthak Education Trust | Delhi |
Sambhav Foundation | Uttar Pradesh |
Sarjan Foundation | Gujarat |
Trecstep | Tamil Nadu |
Udyogini | Guwahati |