HSBC Skills for Life
HSBC Skills for Life is a five year INR 100 crore commitment by HSBC India that will focus on employment linked skill development of disadvantaged youth, upskilling of teachers and educators, and women’s empowerment through financial education and livelihood enhancement.
The programme aligns with the Bank’s philosophy of ‘Supporting Human Ambition’ that reflects the Bank’s commitment to connect and build meaningful relationships and help every individual realise their ambitions, while creating a sense of optimism that leads to collective progress.
Why is HSBC India launching Skills for Life
India is poised to become the world’s youngest country by 2020, with an average age of 29 years, accounting for around 28% of the world’s workforce. Skill development will be central to sustainable development and a powerful instrument to reduce poverty and inequality.
Disadvantaged young people, including women, have fewer choices and opportunities to break out of the cycle of poverty. This calls for a more concerted effort by the government, civil society, the private sector and individuals. Providing access to education and livelihood, particularly for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds is a central focus of HSBC’s corporate sustainability initiatives in the community.
HSBC Skills for Life is a pan – India programme that will support Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) across three verticals:
• To provide employment and entrepreneurship-linked skills training to disadvantaged
young people
• To upskill educators and teachers through ‘Train the Trainers’ (TOT) approach so that
they deliver relevant and ‘learner-focused’ content to end beneficiaries
• To enhance capacities of rural and urban disadvantaged young women to improve
their livelihood potential by imparting financial literacy and building entrepreneurial