Impact | Swades Foundation
Swades Foundation successfully raises ₹10 Cr on NSE, the largest ZCZP issue under SSE


We believe in 360-degree transformation of villages where each and every member of the community is empowered to think and act independently and take charge of their lives.



Founded by Ronnie & Zarina Screwvala, we operate with a single-minded focus of empowering 1 million Rural Indians every 6-7 years. We are bringing together best global practices, corporate thinking and accountability, highest standards of corporate governance to create a model of sustainable development, which is an industry benchmark and replicable at scale.

Our USP is a 360° intervention inside-out model of development, with a multiplier effect. Our holistic approach covers all aspects of individual and community development through 4 key verticals –    Health & Nutrition, Education, Water & Sanitation and Economic Development. Our strength is our strong team comprising 10,476 community volunteers and 270+ full time staff (FTE specialists & professionals); 90% FTE work at the grassroots, making us a strong execution foundation.

In 11 years, we have reached out to 3,320 hamlets across Raigad and Nashik districts of Maharashtra, with an estimated population of 11,82,797 (1.1 million) . Out of these 5,64,963 (half a million) individuals have benefitted directly or indirectly from one or more of our programmes. We are currently working in 7 blocks (Mahad, Mangaon, Mhasla, Poladpur, Shrivardhan, Tala & Sudhagad) of Raigad and 4 blocks of Nashik (Igatpuri, Trimbakeshwar, Surgana & Peth).

Health & Nutrition

Swades creates a cadre of community health workers (Swades Mitras: SMs); Our focus is on Vision-care, Maternal and Child Health, Nutrition, Cardiac-care for children and ensuring strong government linkages.

  1. Community Health Workers: 2,555 highly trained SMs serving a population of ~4,85,000
  2. Vision-care: Screened 3,60,880 people through SMs and 2,56,029 by Optometrists and provided 1,20,971 spectacles free of cost. Supported free of cost 21,655 cataract surgeries
  3. Children with Special Needs (CWSN): Supported 692 children with low vision and hearing surgeries. Provided assistive devices to 1,709 children.
  4. Anaemia: Screened and tested 45,181 children. 7,779 children have completed their medication, of which 5,303 children have shown positive change in anaemia level
  5. Cardiac-care: Supported operations for 182 children & 57% children have shown improvement in school attendance and 79% in doing daily activities (as per cardiac survey of 122 children)
  6. 98% of institutional deliveries in the geography
  7. Cancer screening: 30 individuals screened for breast cancer, 18 individuals screened for cervical cancer and 33 screened for oral cancer.


Swades aims to holistically transform schools – improve infrastructure, provide scholarships and undertake training for principals & teachers.

  1. Impacting 153,688 children in 1,434 schools, 843 Anganwadis and 41 Junior colleges
  2. Leadership training to 1,214 principals and in-service training to 3,534 teachers
  3. Career counselling for better prospects to 60,625 students
  4. Scholarships: 598 Excellence scholarships for professional courses and 7,482 mass scholarships (Grade XI & XII)

Water & Sanitation

Swades will ensure that every household in its geography has a toilet and receives 200 litres of potable water/ day through taps installed at homes.

  1. Constructed toilets in 32,184 homes impacting 1,42,034 individuals and 1,503 hamlets are verified as ODF
  2. Built 743 drinking water schemes with taps in 46,706 homes impacting ~2,28,104 lives
  3. Built drinking water and sanitation facilities in 264 schools.

Economic Development

Agriculture & Livelihoods

Swades will uplift and enrich the lives of its farmers and entrepreneurs; targeting annual income of INR 2 lakhs per household, empowering and enabling them to live with dignity.

  1. Capacity Building: Exposure trips, visits and trainings for ~29,018 farmers; teaching new farming technologies to enhance yield at low costs
  2. Advanced Paddy Cultivation: 12,050 farmers trained on the technique, for better and progressive increase in yield & income
  3. Water for Irrigation: Transformed 4,456 acres through drip and flood irrigation
  4. Poultry (egg & meat): ~ 7,212 households supplemented with 12,661 units leading to an avg HH income gain of INR 10,000 per annum
  5. Dairy: ~4,933 entrepreneurs created with 6,657 milch cattle leading to an avg HH income gain of INR 50,000 per annum
  6. Goat Rearing: 8,871 households engaged with 29,058 animals leading to an avg HH income gain of INR 20,000 per annum from 2nd year onwards
  7. Skilling: Trained 8,232 youth and placed 6,531 in formal employment and 91% have completed over 1 year at their jobs; Skilling generated an income of 66Cr in FY 23-24
  8. Grafted >143,955 trees and distributed ~ 13,68,713 new plants for horticulture
  9. Reverse Migration: 375 people have migrated back to Raigad and over 356 are in different stages of migration
  10. 1,329 VDC’s formed and 10,476 Community Volunteers created
  11. In 2023-24 Swades’ ED prog. annualised income augmentation of 126Cr across Raigad and Nashik villages

Update as of 31st July 2024.


Swades Foundation
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